< published May 30, 2014

DarkFO Devlog Part I

This is the first part in what may or may not become a series, but it is a post on a project I have been working on for a few weeks – a project that aims to help me learn about the internals of the Fallout 2 engine and recreate parts of it along the way.

This would ideally take place in the beginning of my journey through the Wasteland, but I didn’t think I would make it this far and so I did not consider starting such a development blog.

Without further adieu, thus start part one, my journey into ScriptTown.

Fallout Scripting

Fallout 2 is scripted with a proprietary dialect of Pascal. It’s a basic imperative and procedural language, with your usual structural constructs (if, while), variables, etc. It’s extended through the usage of the C preprocessor. Originally, the developers used (and today, modders still use) the Watcom C compiler’s preprocessor. However, any C preprocessor works – I use cpp(1) from gcc (provided by MinGW).

The game’s original (sparsely commented) scripts are provided by the official Mapper tool later released by the developers.

The scripts are compiled (with a proprietary, 16-bit DOS compiler) from .SSL files to a proprietary bytecode .INT files, which the engine then loads and runs.

Here’s an example of a game script (property of Interplay):

#include "..\headers\define.h"
#include "..\headers\ArBridge.h"
#include "..\headers\updatmap.h"


#include "..\headers\command.h"

procedure start;
procedure map_enter_p_proc;
procedure map_update_p_proc;

procedure start begin

procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
   if (map_first_run) then begin

   if ((map_var(MVAR_Made_Car) == 0) and (global_var(GVAR_PLAYER_GOT_CAR) != 0) and (car_current_town == AREA_ARROYO))     then begin

   else if ((map_var(MVAR_Made_Car) == 1) and (car_current_town != AREA_ARROYO)) then begin




procedure map_update_p_proc begin

The #includes substitute in some common code. NAME is used by some of the macros there (like mstr which is a partially evaluated message_str using the map ID).

map_enter_p_proc is called whenever the map is entered into, and map_update_p_proc is called occasionally.

map_var and set_map_var are used to access MVARs – persistent map-local variables. LVARs are persistent script-local variables, and GVARs are persistent global variables.

So, we can guess what the program does upon map entry:

and upon update:

The latter is done because in-game time progresses and there is a day/night cycle, complete with varying lighting levels.

This script expands (after preprocessing) to the following:

variable ProtoOfItemGiven;
variable ValueOfRollCheck:=1;
variable Scenery_Creation;
variable Scenery_Creation_Hex;
variable Scenery_Creation_Count;
variable Temp_Scenery_Creation_Hex;
variable Scenery_Creation_Ptr;

variable How_Many_Party_Members_Are_Injured;
variable How_Many_Party_Members_Armed;
variable PartyHealingItem;
procedure checkPartyMembersNearDoor begin
   if ((party_member_obj((16777278)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777278))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777376)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777376))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777377)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777377))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777305)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777305))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777313)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777313))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777323)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777323))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777352)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777352))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777378)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777378))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777368)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777368))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777379)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777379))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777380)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777380))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777295)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777295))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777381)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777381))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777407)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777407))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777411)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777411))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777412)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777412))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777413)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777413))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777481)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777481))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777558)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777558))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   if ((party_member_obj((16777600)) != 0)) then begin if (tile_distance_objs(self_obj, party_member_obj((16777600))) <    = (5)) then begin return 1; end end
   return 0;
variable global_temp;
variable dest_tile;
variable step_tile;
variable in_dialog;
variable forced_node;
variable restock_amt;
variable restock_obj;
variable restock_trash;
variable removed_qty;
procedure start;
procedure map_enter_p_proc;
procedure map_update_p_proc;
procedure start begin
procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
   if (metarule(14, 0)) then begin
       if (metarule(17, (2)) == (0)) then begin debug_msg("  mark_on_map("+(2)+")"); mark_area_known((0), (2), (1)); end
   if ((map_var((0)) == 0) and (global_var((18)) != 0) and (metarule(30, 0) == (0))) then begin
       if ((not(metarule(22, 0))) and ((global_var((18)) != 0) or (cur_map_index == (6)))) then begin     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33555441),(27312),(0), (304)); Scenery_Creation_Hex:=(27312);     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 2) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,1,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 2) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,2,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 2) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,3,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 2) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,4,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,5,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,4,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,5,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,4,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,5,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,4,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,0,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,5,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 2) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,0,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,1,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,2,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end if (party_member_obj((455)) != 0) then     begin move_to(party_member_obj((455)),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0)); debug_msg("Moving the Car Trunk"); end else     begin create_object_sid((455),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),(920)); debug_msg("Making new Trunk."); end     Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin     Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,1,1); Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((    33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end Scenery_Creation_Count:=0; while (    Scenery_Creation_Count < 1) do begin Scenery_Creation_Hex:=tile_num_in_direction(Scenery_Creation_Hex,2,1);     Scenery_Creation:=create_object_sid((33554499),Scenery_Creation_Hex,(0),-1); Scenery_Creation_Count+=1; end end
   else if ((map_var((0)) == 1) and (metarule(30, 0) != (0))) then begin
       // omitted
   if ((get_month >= 3) and (get_month < 5)) then if (((game_time_hour >= ((600))) and (game_time_hour < ((600) + 100)))    ) then set_light_level((game_time_hour - (600)) + (40)); else if (((game_time_hour >= ((600) + 100)) and (    game_time_hour < (1800)))) then set_light_level(100); else if (((game_time_hour >= ((1800))) and (game_time_hour < ((    1800) + 100)))) then set_light_level((100) - (game_time_hour - (1800))); else set_light_level((40)); else if ((    get_month >= 5) and (get_month < 9)) then if (((game_time_hour >= ((500))) and (game_time_hour < ((500) + 100))))     then set_light_level((game_time_hour - (500)) + (40)); else if (((game_time_hour >= ((500) + 100)) and (    game_time_hour < (1900)))) then set_light_level(100); else if (((game_time_hour >= ((1900))) and (game_time_hour < ((    1900) + 100)))) then set_light_level((100) - (game_time_hour - (1900))); else set_light_level((40)); else if ((    get_month >= 9) and (get_month < 11)) then if (((game_time_hour >= ((600))) and (game_time_hour < ((600) + 100))))     then set_light_level((game_time_hour - (600)) + (40)); else if (((game_time_hour >= ((600) + 100)) and (    game_time_hour < (1800)))) then set_light_level(100); else if (((game_time_hour >= ((1800))) and (game_time_hour < ((    1800) + 100)))) then set_light_level((100) - (game_time_hour - (1800))); else set_light_level((40)); else if (((    game_time_hour >= ((700))) and (game_time_hour < ((700) + 100)))) then set_light_level((game_time_hour - (700)) + (40    )); else if (((game_time_hour >= ((700) + 100)) and (game_time_hour < (1700)))) then set_light_level(100); else if ((    (game_time_hour >= ((1700))) and (game_time_hour < ((1700) + 100)))) then set_light_level((100) - (game_time_hour - (    1700))); else set_light_level((40));
procedure map_update_p_proc begin
   // omitted

Not particularly pretty. The Lighting macro expands to a long chain of branching logic depending on the current in-game time, then performs globally mutable state changes. I’m sure it’s a right pain to debug.

You’ll notice that we’ve now gotten rid of our pretty macro constants, instead being replaced with magic numbers. This is, unfortunately, what the engine deals with (and, unfortunately, Lua was in its infancy when this game and its predecessor was developed.)

The Approach

By this point in the project, I already have a map viewer and a map editor, with varying levels of completion. (The viewer is mostly all in-tact, the editor can view, place, and rotate relevant objects. It cannot export maps to Fallout 2 format, yet.)

The next step (short of figuring out how the horrid animation system works) is to start work on the scripting engine. Now, I am writing the engine mostly in vanilla JavaScript (for a few reasons – (a) I want it to run in-browser, (b) I didn’t want to use TypeScript at first, because it slows me down reading its gigantic specification for its lack of documentation, and (c) I am a masochist.) The backend binary map parser is written in Python and exports to JSON and uses GraphicsMagick to help convert images to PNGs with alpha channels, and for relevant images, also atlases them.

I wanted scripts to be just plain JavaScript files – I could eval them and interact with them like native objects. I could then implement a better library on top of this for new (non-interoperable) scripts.

First, in my sleepy haze, I attempted to use a series of regular expressions to replace parts of the preprocessed scripts to JavaScript. That worked fine, but then I ran into the problem that I could not access and introspect variables within it. I wanted to encapsulate scripts in a JavaScript object. And so, the next day (today!), I set off to do that.

I poured another language into the mix – my favored Haskell. I used Peggy (a PEG parser) and quickly wrote a grammar to parse the Pascal dialect. After that was finished, I had a nice little AST I could do whatever I wanted with. I also quickly (~15 minutes!) wrote the transpiler pass – taking the AST and outputting strings of JavaScript.

I wrote a test HTML page with some JavaScript to load the resulting script file, then evaluate it using new Function(body), then constructing it as an object, with its prototype set to my new Script object.

It worked!

The purpose of the Script object is to implement the library to interface with the game engine. It provides procedures such as map_var, set_global_var, etc. which are looked up through the prototype chain. I stubbed out a fair bit of used procedures in scripts. It works well.

Now I have a native object I can inspect and prod, calling procedures like map_enter_p_proc and seeing how they work. You can see what functions are stubbed that it uses, which you can then fill in with game logic. Some scripts contain debug messages which can help guide me with that. There is a COMMANDS.DOC graciously provided by Mapper which has a list of scripting procedures.


Go with whatever solution to a problem that you’re comfortable with. It would have taken me a lot longer if I had tried to abuse regex (to do even worse than parse HTML!), or to (re)write a program to dump bytecode into a readable representation, and then figure out what each opcode does, and how the bytecode interpreter works. (There have been reverse engineering attempts by the venerable and trusty TeamX; but unfortunately most of their documentation is in Russian.)

And remember: Hacking. Hacking never changes.

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